Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kettle Brand Sriracha

Sraracha flavoured chips? Has science gone too far???
Probably, yeah. These aren't as good as we expected. They're only medium spicy, not quite the flaming bottle labeled "HOT!" as depicted on the bag. And they don't taste like sriracha. They're not terrible tasting by any means, but we had higher hopes when we opened the bag. Honestly, they're a little disappointing. We were expecting more. Poor form, Kettle Brand.

Monday, October 27, 2014

(Organic) Boulder Canyon Sea Salt

Organic. It's one of those words that elicits strong opinions in one of two directions, depending on who you speak to. There's a running joke around here to rile up our resident organic evangelist that every new food that comes through the office is "organic, gluten-free, hormone-free, BPA-free, grass-fed, free range, free trade, with no artificial colours or flavours". These chips were no different, from the moment they came in the door.

We opened the bag, and we got the requisite comment "Yup, they're potato chips, all right." Also heard a "You know what's missing on these? A healthy coating of pesticides."

Once everyone got all the complaining and joking and insulting out of the way, these sure went fast. There's nothing particular about them that really stands out that you can point at and say "That right there, that is what makes these so good. We're not sure what it is, but they're just good. They were actually some of the best plain chips that we've ever tried. They were crunchy like kettle cooked chips, and had just the right amount of salt. They also have a little bit more oily residue than other chips we've had, too. Maybe that's the delicious secret.

In the end, it seems like everyone loved these. I think that they're high up there on the list of the quickest-consumed chips we've reviewed yet. Does it justify the price bump to buy organic? Maybe. They were delicious and, if you believe the propaganda, healthier.

Monday, October 20, 2014

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Doritos Dinamita Fiery Habanero

When you think about Doritos, you get that iconic triangle shape. It's the way tortilla chips have always been. It most likely comes from the fact that tortilla chips were originally a way to get rid of weird, misshapen, or old tortillas by cutting them up and frying them into chips. You take the round tortilla, cut it up like a pizza, and voila! Triangles. Now, sure they aren't done like that anymore. The size and shape are all too uniform, and it's fairly reasonable to assume that they're cut out like that on purpose. But they've stuck with that triangle shape, because it's the de facto tortilla chip shape. Sure, you can get rounds or scoops, but those are just "novelty improvements" on the standard.

Well get ready to have your minds blown, because Doritos have gone full "novelty" on today's feature flavour. Doritos Dinamita is a line of Doritos chips that, instead of being triangular, are rolled up into "sticks" of tortilla. Hence the Dinamita name. Dynamite sticks. As far as we're aware, you can't find these in Canada. In fact, they come to us all the way from Palm Springs, CA. We've also seen them in Texas.

Being the spice lovers that we are, we were drawn immediately to the fiery habanero flavour of these guys. The bright colours on the bag, the exploding hot peppers, what's not to love? Ripping into the bag, the first thing you're struck by is the colour. So much red dye. Then you grab a couple. Pop 'em in your mouth. Instant satisfaction. They've got a good heat to them, more than almost any other Doritos on the market. Three's also the subtle cheesy Doritos flavour. Delightful.

Then you crunch down on them. It's like nothing you've ever had before. The idea of rolling them up has changed the texture. We figure it's because the act of rolling them makes them thicker than the average chip, so they give a more satisfying crunch when you bite down.

Whatever it is, it's working. I think everyone was on board with these. We only wish they were available in our neck of the woods.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sensations Black Pepper & Lime Flavour

Looking back we've been going with a lot of brand name chips so far here. This time, we've chosen to go with a little bit more of a generic brand this time, selecting Compliments branded chips from Sobeys.

Done well, black pepper and lime can be a great flavour. It's a little less prevalent than other flavours,but what kind of a review site would we be if we didn't branch out a little bit?

Right from the moment we opened the bag, these had a nice smell to them. Not too strong, but not too subtle. The first bite starts out a little sweet, but then you get the lime flavour and it erases any hints of that sweetness. The lime flavour is subtle, but noticeable. It's not overpowering, like fake lime flavour sometimes tends to be. The black pepper flavour is there, too, and it compliments the lime nicely. Being kettle cooked chips, these had a pretty good crunch to them. Better than some, but not as good as others. It was pretty middle-of-the-road - enough to satisfy, but sort of left us wishing for a bit more.

Aside from Will whining about not liking lime flavour in general, the only real complaint about these was from Michelle, that she kept expecting the tortilla chip aftertaste instead of the potato chip aftertaste. Which is hardly a complaint.

Final verdict: would buy again.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kettle Brand Yogurt and Green Onion

It's pretentious sour cream and onion. There is no difference.
Buy if you are in the weird cross-section of people who like sour cream and onion, and like kettle cooked chips, and don't like any of the plethora of superior kettle cooked chip flavours that are out there.