Wednesday, December 17, 2014

HR Chip Bar

Sitting at work this afternoon, minding our own business, when we got this email:

It has come to our attention that you have a chip blog.

Therefore we (HR) thought you might be interested to know about HR’s Second Annual “Chip Bar” Day. (Please see the attached picture from 8:00 am today.)

As a chip fan, please also accept this invitation to stop by for a few chips if you can make it over here.

It is happening today until 4:30pm here in the HR area.

Tickled pink, we accepted the invitation and headed over, armed with a bag from our stash.
Boy, are we glad we went over! They had all sorts of different styles and flavours. Without any pre-planning they managed to not have any doubles. We felt very honoured to be able to take part.

A BIG thanks for the invite, HR department!! We're looking forward to next year!

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