Thursday, November 6, 2014

Doritos Dinamita Chile Limón

When Michelle came back from Palm Springs with the Doritos Dinamita Fiery Habanero chips, she also brought back a bag of these...Chile Limón. We weren't really sure how they were going to be, since Doritos isn't exactly known for their "fruitier" flavours. Usually it's all cheese, all the time. But beggars can't be choosers, so we gave 'em a whirl.

The first thing you notice with these is how incredibly red they are. They are really, really, really, really red. Like, stain your fingers red, red. Like, stain your whole mouth red, red. I don't know if I'm being clear enough about this, but they're red. They don't really have a strong scent to them, so we're just going to have to try them and see.

Holy fake lime flavour, Batman! That's unbelievably strong! Usually when you get lime flavoured chips, you get a hint of lime. Like on those tostitos "hint of lime" chips. It's just a hint. These decided to do away with that idea and go full lime. They've still got a medium amount of spice to them, so the chile label isn't misleading (even if it's not as much as we want it to be...we'll take it). But dat lime!

Everyone was pretty split on these. Will (who admittedly hates fake lime flavour) didn't like them at all. Too much lime, he said. Arthur was on his team, comparing the taste to a bad froot loop. David and James both said that they're really good. Prajeet said that they were probable one of his favourite flavours yet.

If you can find them, and are feeling adventurous, give these a go. They're worth a try.

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