Friday, November 21, 2014

Piatto's Nacho Pizza

Round eight we're going with another weird pick: Piatto's Nacho cheese flavoured potato crisps. That's right, crisps. Not chips. I honestly don't even remember how these found their way into our possession. I think that Prajeet may have brought them in. Regardless, it's nacho pizza, and that's definitely intriguing to us. We love nachos, we love pizza, we love chips. How could we not love nacho pizza flavoured chips? The only down-side is that it's only a small bag, so I feel like we're not really getting the full tour, per se.

So we open up the tiny bag, and find that they're not even chips. They're hexagonal shapes! The texture and taste of the chips themselves remind me of crispers. The flavouring on these is really sweet, too. It's not very chip-like. And it doesn't really have much of a nacho or pizza flavour to it. Maybe a little bit of tomato, with a healthy dose of salt? Either way, pretty disappointing. Worth a buy only if you can find them cheap, and want the novelty of it. If you're looking for a good snack, look elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I thought they tasted very pizza like. Though like it was stated, closer in texture to crispers.
