Thursday, November 20, 2014

(Organic) Kettle Sea Salt

Round Five! Kettle Brand organic Sea Salt chips. Again, coming specially from our resident organic expert. I think that we're going to be comparing these to the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed. But first, it's very important that everyone knows how difficult of a time Will had opening these. Like, it was ridiculous. He pulled and pulled, with all his might, and they would not open. Will's not a weak guy by any means, and these gave him a run for his money. Finally, after several minutes of struggling, he was able to wrestle them open. He'll tell you he was trying to be careful to not rip the bag right in half, but he's just trying to cover up his bruised ego.

Anyways, on to the less important issues at hand. These weren't as good as the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed. They're not as salty as the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed. They are, however, crunchier than the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed. I'm pretty sure that we liked the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed better.

Side note, I had some of the other organic sea salt chips we reviewed today, and man are they full of salty goodness.

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