Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blair's Death Rain Chipotle

Finally, after all this waiting, the moment has arrived! We've got Blair's Death Rain Chipotle chips with flavour on them! The suspense has been killing us, as I'm sure it's been killing every one of you.

Quite frankly, the wait wasn't worth it. They're okay. We were expecting something a little more smoky, a little more spicy, something a little more like crushed chipotle pepper seasoning. Instead, we got something that tasted very similar to Dutch Crunch Jalapeno Cheddar chips - salt and pepper with a little spice and a little bit of an almost mesquite bbq flavour. Jonathan joked that the flavour-adding machine must still be on the fritz, because where these should have a more potent flavour, they were on the plainer side. Quite disappointing, all around.

In the end, we just can't recommend these. They're too salty, they're not really chipotle flavoured, and we've got a 33% success rate in finding bags that actually have seasoning. No wonder they've been discontinued by Blair's.

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