Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dutch Crunch Montreal Steak Spice

There's been a lot of interest in this flavour, as the bag has been sitting around here in the office for a few days when we opened them. We finally decided to satisfy everyone's curiosity and give them a go.

First off, before we get to flavour, just a note about the texture on these ones. We complained in our review about the crunch of the Dutch Crunch Jalapeno Cheddar chips being less than satisfying after eating the Blair's ones. I don't know if that was a bad batch, maybe, or if it's just been long enough that Blair's spell on us has worn off, but we've had a couple comments saying these have a great crunch to them.

Now that we've got that out of the way, on to the reason we're here: Montreal Steak Spice. A conservative guess about these would be that they were aiming to make a chip that tastes like Montreal Steak Spice (yeah, we're getting crazy with our guesses). Well, they've succeeded. These taste very strongly of Montreal Steak Spice. There's a strong garlic flavour to them, with a good dose of salt and pepper to go with it. If you pretend really hard, you can almost imagine you're eating a nice thick pork chop, grilled to perfection, with a healthy sprinkling of steak spice. Then you bite down and the illusion is gone with a crunch.

As has been the trend lately, it's hard to find a solid consensus for us. Will thinks they're too salty. "I had to go get a drink, they're so salty that they made me thirsty." Jonathan thinks the flavour is great. Blair said he saw them giving these away at a baseball game this summer and people were throwing them away half-eaten. Darcy won't even try them. Wanda thinks they're the bee's knees.

I think a fair assessment would be somewhere in the middle of Will and Jonathan - they do taste pretty salty (though according to the bag they're not that much more salty than any other bag of chips we've got right now), but if you like a strong steak spice flavour then you'll like these.

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