Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Double Dutch Bacon Cheeseburger Sliders

This one was a tough one. It was hard to get an agreement on anything for it.
"I taste mustard!"
"No, relish!"
"No, ketchup!"
"No, bacon!"
"No dill pickle!"
"Tastes like a more boring version of All-dressed chips!"
At least everyone was pretty on with flavours you'd find in a hamburger (I wonder if they would've been so spot on if it was a blind taste test...). The chips have a sort of intangible flavour to them - you honestly can't put your finger on it and say "It tastes like this" because it has a bunch of different flavours going on. It's like a crappy version of the chewing gum from Willy Wonka's chocolate factory that tastes like an entire meal. One thing we could all agree on is that there's a pretty strong dill pickle flavour that comes in toward the end and lingers as an aftertaste. Take that as your warning, crazy people who don't like dill pickle chips.

Some liked these, others didn't. Our American friend, who admittedly has a deep love for All-dressed chips, thinks these are great. Norm really liked them too. Jonathan thought they were averagely good.Will said he probably wouldn't buy them again. The ladies in the office were all offended by the after taste.

These chips earn our official Seal of Controversy. Buy these if you want a debate on the pros and cons of sliders as a chip flavour.

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