Friday, September 12, 2014

Blair's Death Rain Jalapeno Cheddar

Like all Blair's chips (except for, you know, that one time), these have a really strong flavour to them. Specifically cheddar, in this case. They weren't as spicy as we were hoping for, either. Having already tried the Habanero ones, we had high expectations that these would have a decent amount of kick behind them. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Shawn also pointed out that they were pretty salty, probably more than they should've been.

That said, they weren't bad. We really like the way that Extreme Foods cooks their chips. They're not cut too thin, and they're nice and crispy and crunchy. They're the way that cauldron cooked chips are meant to be.

In the end, we just can't come to an agreement on these guys. David wants them to be spicier. Will says "what do you expect, they're only jalapeno." Yeah, but normally jalapeno chips have a decent kick to them, and we know that Blair's aren't afraid to make a spicy flavour. Will also really likes the fact that they're so cheddar-y.

I think it's just going to be one of those ones that you'll have to try on your own, dear reader, and come to your own decision.

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