Friday, September 26, 2014

Kettle Brand Honey Dijon

Taking a big swing on the spectrum here from the usual spicy chips we've been reviewing lately, we chose to go with Kettle Brand Honey Dijon chips this time.

We didn't get any strong opinions from anyone on these, which is the very first time for that. Jane said they taste too mustard-y, and though they're not repulsive she's not sure that she'd go and buy them. James added "If you like honey dijon, you'll like these." And that's pretty much the truth. Kettle Brand really hit the nail on the head on these ones, flavour-wise. They've got a strong, but not overpoweringly strong, honey dijon flavour, no doubt about it. Jeff said he likes them, but he's not sure how much or why. Jonathan said they're just ok. Darcy I think put them into words the best out of everyone. "They're.....different." It's true, they're not like anything we've really had before. It's not bad, but it's not really something that anyone was rushing back for seconds of.

We were also pretty impressed with the texture of the chips themselves. They're nice and crunchy, and not too thinly sliced. Not quite as good as Blair's, but definitely better than Dutch Crunch.

Overall, these come with a warning from us: if you don't like honey mustard, don't get these. Will doesn't, so he had the most negative response to these. Everyone else was really indifferent about them. Worth trying? Yeah. Worth buying again? Probably not.

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