Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blair's Death Rain Jolokia Pepper

Oh boy, ghost pepper chips. A little lesson before we begin: The bhut jolokia, or ghost pepper, is a hybrid chili pepper from India. Beginning in 2007, and lasting until 2012, the ghost pepper was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the hottest pepper in the world. It is now ranked third. It is rated as 1,041,427 SHUs on the Scoville scale. For comparison, the jalapeno pepper is rated between 2,500 - 10,000 SHUs.

Right from the moment you open the bag and see the screaming red colour on these chips, take it as a warning of things to come. These are, without a doubt, the hottest chips we've had. Eat one and you'll feel the long after-burn. Eat a few and it'll kick you in the face. For those that like heat, these are the chips for you. Jonathan said they're amazing. Will and Prajeet both said these are their new favourite chips. They've got a great flavour to them, and they're not too salty like some other Blair's chips have been. Shawn said he expected to be sweating like a cartoon, but was severely disappointed to find that real life doesn't work like that.

For the most part, everyone in the office tried at least one. Some of the ladies found them to be uncomfortably spicy. There were a few who just weren't brave enough to give them a go. It is unconfirmed whether or not Jeff ran across the street for some milk from the cafeteria after eating his.

Unfortunately, for us, these aren't easy to come by. The only place we've found that carries them is Cabela's, and they only carry the small bags. If you can find them, these are great for heat junkies. And if you're one of those heat junkies, these are great for if you don't want to share with anyone else after the first chip.


  1. I found these at Cabella's last year, and they are definitely my favourite all-time chip. However, upon returning to Cabella's recently, they were nowhere to be found. It seems the only option is to order them from Blair's deathrain official site, The only size available is the 3 oz. bag, which is unfortunate, but I guess they figured no one would want to eat more than that. I'm considering ordering a crate, despite the prohibitive cost ($24 for a six-pick, or $42 for fourteen).

  2. I found these at Cabella's last year, and they are definitely my favourite all-time chip. However, upon returning to Cabella's recently, they were nowhere to be found. It seems the only option is to order them from Blair's deathrain official site, The only size available is the 3 oz. bag, which is unfortunate, but I guess they figured no one would want to eat more than that. I'm considering ordering a crate, despite the prohibitive cost ($24 for a six-pick, or $42 for fourteen).

  3. Do you know where I can get them now?
